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Tag Archives :achromatic

Difference Between APO & Achromatic Lens Under Diffraction Ring

Test the APO and Achromatic, make sure the difference under diffraction ring, SV305 doublet is quality achromatic lens with SPL-51 ED glass.  ...

Read more  SV503 Doublet,  APO,  SPL-51,  Achromatic Lens

Achromatic vs Apochromatic Refractors: Ultimate Comparison

With this guide, we hope you feel more equipped to choose the right refractor telescope to kickstart your astronomical journey. Whether you're observing distant planets, taking stunning photographs of the night sky, or simply enjoying the beauty of the universe, getting the right telescope will enhance your experience. Explore our selection of refractor telescopes today and embark on your adventure into the cosmos!  ...

Read more  apochromatic,  achromatic,  refaractor,  sv48p,  sv503,  sv550,  triplet apo