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Tag Archives :sv550 122

Exploring the SVBONY SV550 122 FPL-51: A High-Quality and Affordable Refractor Telescope

SVBONY SV550 122 FPL-51 emerges as an outstanding choice for astrophotography enthusiasts. Offering impressive chromatic aberration reduction capabilities at an affordable price point, this refractor telescope enables photographers to capture breathtaking images of deep-sky objects. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced astrophotographer seeking an excellent balance between performance and affordability, the SVBONY SV550 122 APO Triplet (FPL-51) is a worthy investment.  ...

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The Latest Reviews for SV550 122 APO

The biggest attraction of the SV550 122MM is its large diameter of 122mm, which is the upper limit for an easily operable refractor. With this aperture, you will never feel that it is not enough for a refractor. The F-value "7" is versatile, suitable for both visual and photographic purposes. You will be able to use it for various purposes without any complaints.  ...

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The New Bundle of SV550 122

SV550 has launched a new telescope bundle combination. In addition to the telescope carring bag that comes with the lens barrel, the new combination also includes the SV209 focal reducer and a heater strip for the refractor OTA. If you have interested in this bundle, pls place an order directly online.  ...

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SV550 122mm F7 VS SV550 80mm F6-Explore More Surprises

This large-aperture telescope is an upgrade based on the SV550 80mm. If you put the two together, you will be very surprised!  ...

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Listen to What They Want to Say about SV550 122MM

After the release of SV550 122MM, we received a lot of feedback about SV550 122MM. Do you want to know their feelings after using SV550 122MM? This blog will take you to hear their thoughts.  ...

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SVBONY SV550 APO Telescope Review: Top Choice For Astrophotography?

If you’re looking for a compact and easy to carry telescope, for astrophotography and observation the SV550 APO refractor is definitely worth considering. With its 122mm aperture f/7 ratio and 854mm focal length it provides detailed images that are perfect for capturing deep sky photography and observing fainter deep sky objects.  ...

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Equipment Display of SV550 Apochromatic Triplet 122mm F7 Telescope

The SV550 APO triplet refractor is a compact refractor with 122mm aperture, f/7 focal ratio and 854mm focal length, a great travel telescope for astrophotography and observation.  ...

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The 40th Tainai Star Party

We are excited to announce the 40th Tainai Star Party of 2023 will be held in Japan this August. SVBONY will also participate in the party. The representative of SVBONY participating in the exhibition is Bosque Rico - Popular YouTuber of Astronomy.  ...

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