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How Much Do You Know About SV220 Dual-Band 7nm Nebula Filter?

How Much Do You Know About SV220 Dual-Band 7nm Nebula Filter?

How Much Do You Know About SV220 Dual-Band 7nm Nebula Filter?

First, let's start with its parameters.

Model​​ SV220​
Name​​ Duo-Band OSC Filter​​
Size​​ 2-Inch​​
Substrate Thickness​​ 1.80mm​​
Clear Aperture​​ 44mm​​
Wavelength Range​​ 300-1100nm​​
FWHM​​ OIII (7nm) & HA (7nm) ​​
Blocking​​ OD5​​
Surface parallelism​​ 1/4λ​​

What are its characteristics and functions?


Dual Narrow bandwidth H-Alpha/O-III 7nm narrowband filter properly designed for astrophotography both in light polluted.

Take color images without needing to combine images with multiple filters


Designed to sharply cut off the inference of artificial light from sodium vapor or mercury vapor street lights and other unwanted disturbance like sky glow.

With the help of Dual-Band Nebula Filters, you can take deep space photography in urban areas with serious light damage.

With the help of Dual-Band Nebula Filters, you can simplify and reduce the difficulty and tedious lines in post-processing.

Dual-Band Nebula Filters can realize single exposure to capture large full-color images.


Useful for imaging emission nebulae, planetary nebulae and supernova remnants.


One of our collaborators provided her review feedback. Hope you can learn more about SV220.


What else do you want to know about SV220 filter?Welcome to comment.


Comment user


I'd like to know if you're planning 1.25 inch version.

Comment author


thank you for your reply. We have 1.25 inch filters online, just get details from

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