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How to Use SV105 Astronomy Camera

How to Use SV105 Astronomy Camera

How to Use SV105 Astronomy Camera

Update new information about the new coming SVBONY SV105 telescope electronic eyepiece, All people beginer astronomers or professors could buy it online on April.  Ebay Amazon and Aliexpress will sell it at the same time.

Then the beginners will ask how can I use it ?

Please don't worry, let me help you how to use it. 

Firstly, download the astronomy software 【sharpcarp】from the CD coming within the package. then install it as following the prompts. Or you could download the software from sharpcap site. 

Secondly, Test the SV105 that connecting it to the computer by the USB cable coming within the package. There is no need install a driver. Because the SV105 is a standard UVC device, Windows 7 and newer operating system will automatically install the driver.

Thirdly,Check your computer 【Device Manager】, you will find the Camera 【SVBONY SV105】. It means the successfully connecting. 

Fouthly, running the astronomy software【sharpcarp】as administator. enter the software and single click the 【camera】button, you will see 【SVBONY SV105】.  Double click it, then you will see the image or some light on the screen, if all equpments work well. 

before connecting the SV105 to your telescope, please focus the target first by using a normal optic eyepiece. then replace it with the SV105 camera. You should adjust the focus wheel to reach a clear image on the computer screen. Because the SV105 isn't auto focus camera like Canon and Sony camera. 

Finaly, connect 1.25" SV105 electronic eyepiece to your telescope, then you could take photos on your computer and save the files. Also you could capture a vivid video. If you need change the specifications to make the images more beautiful as you need, manually adjust Gain, Contrast, Exposure Time, Frame rate and Color Saturation on the right side table. 

Note: If you didn't get a clear image on your screen. Don't forget to adjust the telescope focus wheel. Thanks. 

See, It's not a big problem to use a astronomy camera. If you have any problems of using it, contact me anytime on facebook SVBONY page, or send email to


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Is there a way to zoom out using the software, currently I'm getting huge images of the moon and when scanning it goes from view within ten seconds.

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Guest michael drewett

Hi I have a problem with my SV105, that is I, only get a blank screen when I attach it to my telescope. i do get a blurred image before I fit the 105 to the scope. Any help would be most grateful

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hello there, I purchased a svbony 105 last year and could not get it to work, I returned it to the seller and got a exchange, but still could not get a result. pack it away as a lost cause. Just got it out again to try again, still nothing.I followed the instructions as per instructions. The problem I have is that I cannot get an image when I connect the eyepiece to the scope, get something on the screen when not attached to the scope (blurred light0 I Am I missing something or doing something wrong? Any help would be greatful. Regards Mike Drewett

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You might have to use an extension tube or a barlow with it,s lens removed to get focus

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I have used the SV105 as a guide camera with my guide scope. this worked well with PHD2. Now I would like to test the SV105 with off-axis guiding. To achieve that and get into focus I need to know some details I could not look up in the specs I found. Can you tell the exact distance in mm from the sensor to a) the end of the 1.25" nose piece when screwed on ? b) the end of the camera housing base with the nose piece adapter not attached ? Can you further tell what thread type is used for the housing<->nose piece thread ? Thanks a lot, Christian

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Already sent the specification to your email, C.

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Washington Garcia


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Rotate de camera. That is what I did.

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Maybe you need a diagonal, sir happy new year.

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Roberto Velasquez

The camera is OK. I realized that I could meassure angles with it. It was very simple. The images taken by the camera are 1080 x 1920. I took a series of picture of a transit of a star across the imagen. Earth rotates 360° degress es 24 hours or 86400 seconds. It means that the planet rotates 15 arcsec per second. I overlayed diffferent set of images knowing exactly the time between each image. By knowing how many pixels the start moved in an specific time I realized that an object moves 22.225 pixels per second. This means that 0.6745 pixels is equivalent to 1 arcsec. I meassured the distance in pixels between Alcyone and Alcyone B in the Pleyades and the were separated by 172 pixels or 116 arcsec (172 x 0.6745). This OFFICIAL MEASUREMENT is 117 arcsec. I did the same thing with Alcyone C and Alcyone D. My measurements were 265 pixels (179 arcsec) for Alcyone B and 281 pixels (189.5 arcsec) for Alcyone C. The OFFICIAL MEASUREMENTS are 181 y 191 respectively.

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Wow, you are doing great work!

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Place a mirror on the opposite side of your laptop screen. If you then look in the mirror instead of your laptop screen then the image will show normal.

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Es normal, que los telescopios te entreguen imágenes invertidas, en el espacio no es problema eso. Pero si quieres enderezar la imagen, debes buscar un erector de imagen acorde a tu telescopio.

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Thank you for your message.

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Arnold Heredia

I want to use the camera for guiding, which guide scope do you recommend? Camera works great. Thanks.

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If the OTA is big aperture like 80mm or 102mm bigger, you can use the SV198 or SV106 for your guide scope. The SV165 is another nice option for smaller OTA.

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G. Jean-Marc

Mme M Bonjour Voici ma question. mon image est flou. j'ai fait tous les réglage possibles de la camera et du télescope ma camera svbony sv105 mon télescope c est un celestron delux 80 EQ 80*900. mon image et flou pourriez vous me donne un réglages approximatif pour avoir une image clair. Merci de me répondre en Français

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Vous pouvez vérifier la distance focale pendant la journée et essayer l'objet dans la mesure du possible. C'est trop long ou trop court ? En outre, le réglage sur le logiciel est également nécessaire comme l'ISO et le temps d'exposition ainsi que le gain. (La fonction Auto sera utile).

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G. Jean-Marc

Mme M Bonjour Voici ma question. mon image est flou. j'ai fait tous les réglage possibles de la camera et du télescope ma camera svbony sv105 mon télescope c est un celestron delux 80 EQ 80*900. mon image et flou pourriez vous me donne un réglages approximatif pour avoir une image clair. Merci de me répondre en Français

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Bonjour, si vous obtenez un motif flou, cela devrait être que le télescope n'est pas entièrement focalisé, vous pouvez essayer de focaliser à nouveau le télescope et affiner les détails pour trouver l'image la plus claire

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Copier des articles du site Web est ennuyeux. Vous devriez être une personne amicale

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G. Jean-Marc

Mme M Bonjour Voici ma question. mon image est flou. j'ai fait tous les réglage possibles de la camera et du télescope ma camera svbony sv105 mon télescope c est un celestron delux 80 EQ 80*900. mon image et flou pourriez vous me donne un réglages approximatif pour avoir une image clair. Merci de me répondre en Français

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G. Jean-Marc

Mme M Bonjour Voici ma question. mon image est flou. j'ai fait tous les réglage possibles de la camera et du télescope ma camera svbony sv105 mon télescope c est un celestron delux 80 EQ 80*900. mon image et flou pourriez vous me donne un réglages approximatif pour avoir une image clair. Merci de me répondre en Français

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