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How to Use a Guider Scope as Telescope

How to Use a Guider Scope as Telescope

How to Use a Guider Scope as Telescope

Some customers send me email, they asked if they can use the SV106 guider scope working with an 68 degree eyepiece directly? Also someone asks if they could make SV106 finder scope working with SV105 camera?

Today, I test the guide scope SV106 working with other accessories. i hope the testing results could help you before you buy the accessories you need. 

Test 1: SV106 Guider Scope & 68 degree 20mm eyepiece

As the SV106 guider scope focal length is 190mm, so it works with the 20mm eyepiece, the magnification power is 8.5x. 

I could see the building clearly with adjust the back focus distance 30mm. the words on the building is very clear. 


Test 2: SV106 Guider Scope and SV105 Camera

I tested the SV105 camera with the SV106 Guider Scope, use sharpcap 3.2 on windows 10 computer. 

Just put the 1.25 inch camera into the SV106 scope double helical focuser hole directly, and adjust the backfocus distance, until get a clear image on the computer. 

I focus the SV106 scope to the outside building, and take this picture with the Mi 5, actually the picture is much clear on the computer screen, when I take this picture on my smartphone, then it is not that clear as see it directly. (I am sorry about my photography skill.)

Test 3: SV106 Guider Scope & 2x Barlow & Diagonal & Eyepiece

As I post in the facebook group, I could see image clearly through the eyepiece directly, but the image is not that clear as TEST 1 results. 

Because when the light reflected by the Diagonal, and go through the 2x barlow, it has been loss some. 

As you want to use the 90 degree diagonal with this SV106 finder scope, yes, it would work. 

But if you want to see the much more clear image, I don't recommend you to use the Barlow and diagonal. Thanks very much!


after you see my test above, hope you could understand that, my test just reply the customers questions. it not means the function of the products. 

If you want to use the SV106 finder in some other ways, just try it. 

If you have any questions about my test, welcome to send email to I would try my best to give you reply. 

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