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If You Don’t Have Enough Budget to Buy SV550 122MM, Why Not Consider Buying SV48P?

If You Don’t Have Enough Budget to Buy SV550 122MM, Why Not Consider Buying SV48P?

If You Don’t Have Enough Budget to Buy SV550 122MM, Why Not Consider Buying SV48P?

A few days ago, we launched a survey on whether you would plan to buy the SV550 122MM. Many friends provided us with new ideas and suggestions. Price is still the main factor. It is true that as the hobby of astrophotography will continue to grow it starts to become more and more expensive when your needs change. If you want to keep starting new challenges, this means you need to constantly invest time and money. This will be a big investment.

But it can also be very simple if you plan to start with some simple and easy telescope, such as buying a small telescope first, improving your shooting skills, and then updating and trying the new equipment. The SV48P may be a surprise and make you feel satisfied.

Recently, some friends have used SV48P to take photos that they are satisfied with. Let’s see what they think and feelings

Herbert Hamber

Here’s some more images I got with the SVbony SV48p (90mm f/5.5 500mm focal length achromat), which arrived last week.
I did add a dark light-blocking disk in front of that shiny metal ring, which had caused some significant star bloating and weird reflections in the earlier images. This was also suggested by Bruce Stoneman, thanks Bruce.
The pictures below were taken from my backyard, now with an SVbony UHC (light pollution) 2” filter.
The four subjects below are :
Lagoon Nebula M8 (80 min exposure)
The detail that can be seen in the image below is not bad at all, for a $254 scope.
Orion Nebula M42 (22 min)
Here the thin black ring I placed around the front lens cuts down dramatically on artefacts from internal reflections, and on star bloating.
Triangulum Galaxy M33 (179 min)
A rather long exposure was needed since this is a rather faint subject.
The Moon (one single frame)
The relatively low magnification of the SV48p brings out some details, more details would require a 2” Barlow lens.
Of course, the images could be improved further with some tedious additional software retouching, nevertheless here they are displayed pretty much as they are.
Setup used :
SVbony SV48p 90mm on Celestron AVX mount, Sony IMX571 cooled camera, optical polar alignment, SVbony 2” UHC filter.
No guiding, no wifi, no gps, no apps, no gadgets, no darks, no flats, no bias, no cropping, no added stars, no subtracted stars, images stacked in DSS and minimally edited in Gimp.

Manny Steinfeld

About 9 hours of data on the Wizard Nebula with SV48P.

Not perfect, but i'm pretty satisfied with the result😊
California Nebula
Ocean City MD Bortle 5, 09/17/2023, 3.5 hours
Glen Burnie MD Bortle 7/8, 09/20/2023, 2 hours
Svbony sv48 90mm Achromatic doublet telescope
Skywatcher Az gti go-to mount in equatorial mode (attached a polar scope no computer guiding just synscan, skysafari apps)
Canon 2000D / T7 (stock), 800 ISO, 3 minute exposures (30 darks, flats, dark flats and 60 bias frames)
L-enhance filter
110 frames about 5 and a half hours integration time
Stacked Siril/Sirilic
Siril for some processing
Photoshop levels, curves
Starnet v2
Astro Panel Pro
Topaz A.I. sharpen
Photoshop camera raw filter, star adjustments and reintegration
Just starting the California also tried the Heart Nebula but targeting was off, low in the horizon not enough stars in the camera screen for an accurate target will try again tonight.
Andromeda Galaxy
Glen Burnie MD Bortle 7/8, 3 nights
Ocean City MD Bortle 5, 2 nights
Svbony sv48 90mm Achromatic doublet telescope
Skywatcher Az gti go-to mount in equatorial mode (attached a polar scope no computer guiding)
Canon 2000D / T7 (stock), 800 ISO, 3 minute exposures (30 darks, flats, dark flats and 60 bias frames) each night
L-enhance filter
279 frames almost 14 hours integration time
Stacking Siril/Sirilic
Siril for some processing
Photoshop levels, curves
Starnet v2
Astro Panel Pro
Topaz A.I. sharpen
Photoshop camera raw filter, star adjustments and reintegration
A lot better than my previous posts
Generally, It left a deep impression on everyone who own this telescope. Of course, for this type of telescope, the problems of edge dispersion and aberration still need to be solved. It may only be used as a basic model for customers who pursue higher details. , which may not be a better choice.

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