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Have you ever Participated in the Messier Marathon

Have you ever Participated in the Messier Marathon

Have you ever Participated in the Messier Marathon

The Messier Marathon is the most popular stargazing competition, challenging people to spot as many Messier objects as possible in one night. Ready to take on the challenge, but not sure where to start? We've got you covered! Read this comprehensive guide from us so you can navigate the starry skies with ease. Let's get started!

Introduction to the Messier Marathon

Who is Charles Messier?

Charles Messier was an 18th-century French astronomer known for creating the Catalog of Nebulae and Star Clusters. He originally created this catalog to help comet hunters distinguish between fixed objects that could easily be mistaken for comets.

What is the Messier Catalog?

The Messier catalog brings together some of the brightest deep-sky objects, most of which are visible in the northern hemisphere. It contains 110 objects, each identified by an “M” plus a number. Some of these objects also have proprietary names (such as the Pleiades or the Andromeda Galaxy).


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What are Messier objects?

Messier objects are deep sky objects of three main types: nebulae, star clusters and galaxies. To the observer, they look like fuzzy cloud-like patches in the sky. The number of visible objects depends on the location of the observer and the time of year. The most crowded regions are the Virgo cluster of galaxies and the area around the center of the Milky Way.

What is the Messier Marathon?

The Messier Marathon is an astronomical challenge that invites enthusiasts to observe all 110 objects listed in the Messier catalog in a single night. Started in the 1970s by American astronomers Tom Hohfeld, Donald Machholz and Tom Rylander, the event tests observing skills and endurance.

How can I participate in the Messier Marathon?

The Messier Marathon is designed for both experienced astronomers and novice stargazers. You can participate with your local astronomy club, friends and family, or even on your own.


Where is the Messier Marathon held?

The Messier Marathon is an event for observers in the northern hemisphere. Unfortunately, only a few Messier objects can be seen from the Southern Hemisphere. Globally, the ideal conditions for observing Messier objects are between 20 degrees south and 55 degrees north latitude.

When is the Messier Marathon?

For optimal observing, the main dates of the Marathon are scheduled on the weekend closest to the new moon. The Messier Marathon takes place in March or April, chosen for the best conditions. During this period, the Sun passes between Pisces and Aquarius, where there are no Messier objects. Therefore, from dusk to dawn, these celestial bodies are not illuminated by the Sun.

Below is a list of major and minor weekends for the Messier Marathon from 2025-2030:

2025: March 22, March 29
2026: March 21, March 14
2027: April 3, March 6
2028: March 25, no secondary weekend
2029: March 17, March 10
2030: March 30, March 9

How can I prepare for the Messier Marathon?

Where should I start?

Start by observing objects in the western sky, as they will soon disappear behind the horizon due to the Earth's rotation. The first major targets to observe are galaxies M74 and M77 - they will be the first to set at night.

Then move eastward during the night to explore dense regions. Sagittarius, for example, has the most Messier objects - 15 in total - making it the main area to explore. It's closely followed by Virgo with 11 objects, Harem with 8, Serpens and Ursa Major with 7 each, and Canes Venatici and Leo with 5 each.


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If you are still awake at dawn, you will be able to see the last few objects low on the eastern horizon, especially the globular cluster M30. Anyway, it is advisable to use astronomical binoculars to spot some of the brighter Messier objects. 

  1. Have your target checklist on hand so that you can mark off your targets as you observe them.
  2. Don't spend too much time observing some targets, especially the fainter ones, when the viewing window is limited during dusk and dawn. The sky may become too bright while you're still "hunting" for one target while the other gets lost in the glow or sets below the horizon.

Enjoy the experience! Keep in mind that you can customize the marathon to your preferences and abilities. Consider breaking it up into smaller parts and observing all 110 objects in the spring.

What can I see during the Messier Marathon?

The number of objects you will see depends on the time and location chosen, as well as your equipment and experience level. But don't hesitate to get started! Even with basic equipment and minimal practice, many objects are relatively easy to spot.

Brightest Messier Objects

Here are some of the most famous Messier objects, all visible to the naked eye. You don't have to wait for a marathon to observe them - start stargazing on any suitable night.

1. Messier 45, Pleiades
The Pleiades is a sparse cluster of stars in the constellation Taurus. It is one of the most prominent deep sky objects in the entire sky, with a magnitude of 1.6. Learn more about the Seven Sisters cluster in our feature article.

2. Andromeda Galaxy
The Andromeda Galaxy is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Andromeda. It is the closest major galaxy to the Milky Way and is “only” 2.5 million light-years from the Sun.

3. Messier 44, The Beehive Cluster
The Beehive Cluster is a sparse cluster of about 1,000 stars in the “heart” of Cancer. To the naked eye, it appears as a hazy patch of light. Because of its position in the zodiac, the Beehive Cluster often encounters the Moon and planets.

4. Messier 7, Ptolemaic Cluster
The Ptolemaic Sparse Cluster is located in the constellation of Scorpio. It is most popular in the southern hemisphere and is best observed from June to August. At northern latitudes, it is difficult to spot as it hangs low on the horizon. The best time for Northern Hemisphere observers is around 10 p.m. in July, when Scorpius reaches its highest point in the sky.

5. Messier 42, The Orion Nebula
The Orion Nebula is located in the constellation Orion, near the famous Orion's Belt. It is one of the brightest nebulae, with a brightness of magnitude 4.0. To the naked eye it resembles a star, but with binoculars or a small telescope it appears as a hazy glow.

In Summary

Whether you see all 110 objects or just a few during the Messier Marathon, the experience of exploring the night sky and learning about the universe is certainly rewarding. So grab your telescope, gather your friends or family, and embark on a cosmic adventure that is both fun and challenging!

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