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New feedback about MK105!

New feedback about MK105!

New feedback about MK105!

It has now been almost 5 months since we released the MK105 telescope, and we have hundreds of customers who got it and are using it to capture planets and the sun, and even try to do some simple deepspace observation.
How does it perform? Or maybe you're interested in it now, but still concerned about its quality, yes, it has had some negative reviews, but most of the issues have been clarified and resolved. We've rounded up some of the recent feedback about it, and let's see what they said.

Bruce Stoneman ----

Svbony MK105 105mm Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope (the 2 close up images)
SV48 90mm Achromatic doublet telescope (the full disk (blah) and most of the sun)
SV305pro planetary camera 
Svbony eyepiece extension tube (needed for focusing sv48)
Baader "white" polymer solar filter sheet 
Svbony UV IR cut filter
Svbony .5 focal reducer for the full sun on the sv48 (the image wasn't great)
Taken from a deck on a second floor condo so was easy to switch telescopes. I added color to 3 images left one as is (purple tint from one of the filter settings in firecapture)


Harry Ellingsen ----

My setup with MK105 and SV305.

Did some modifications with remote control of focus and clock drive. Works perfect 😊




We think that when you browse these reviews, you will have more comprehensive thoughts on MK105. If you are using it and have some opinions, share them with us!


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Jonathan R.

As a repeat purchaser of many SvBony products over the past couple of years, my user experiences with their products and customer service instills and reinforces my utmost confidence in SvBony. In my experiences, SvBony has demonstrated repeatedly in real time its genuine commitment to superlative product quality and value, customer service, and business integrity. These days, an old-school, sometimes cynical and skeptical customer like me is not at all easy to win over. However, in my case, SvBony has done so repeatedly and with flying colors. With their customer centric hard work, SvBony has legitimately earned my deep respect and confidence as a discerning and loyal customer. I frequently recommend and demonstrate SvBony products to my friends and family. They are genuinely that good; and I know that my friends and family care as much about quality, value, integrity, and good fun as I do.

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Thank you for your support of SVBONY. With your encouragement, we will continue to improve and better serve more astronomy enthusiasts in the future.

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Paul E. Cizdziel

I am honestly a bit surprised that you posted my mixed review about the MK105. Your company approach to honest disclosure of information is very commendable. I salute you, SVBony. I look forward to trying some more astrophotography with the MK105 soon when our rainy season ends; especially for planetary and moon, which is really what I purchased it for in the first place. And I still definitely love it for visual. It is a great value.

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svbony Elena Author

Thank you for your interest and comments, we will continue to make improvements to make the experience better for all astronomers!

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