The moon from this morning near Edinburgh....My new SVBONY 102ED Scope, ASI462MC camera. Sharpcap Quickcapture 1000 frames, stacked and Registax 6.....
Horsehead and Flame Nebula
Optics : SV503 ED80
Camera : ASI533MC
Guidescope : 50mm
Guidecam : QHY5Lii
Mount: AVX
Light : 19x 300sn 1x1 Bin
Dark : 10x
Flat : 20x
DarkFlat : 20x
Sharing a work in progress (will try to get more data)
44mins of The Bubble Nebula using the Svbony 102mm without the reducer and the Svbony 50mm guidescope.
EQM35mpro + ASI533mcp + Lextreme filter
Another fantastic clear sky last night, before a week of clouds and rain. With an overloaded mount and a terrestrial camera I managed to image the Tarantula Nebula, no filter used. Excited with the UHC filter on the way, hoping weather cooperates when I get it, I reckon perfect for bortle 5 skies here at home
Camera: Unmodified Sony A7RIV crop mode (26mp)
Telescope: Svbony SV503 80mm F7 Doublet with 2.5x Powermate
Mount: Skywatcher AZ-Gti
1400mm FL, 28x30sec, ISO3200
Preprocessed in Adobe LR, Stacked and Edited in Adobe PS
I redid the Helix Nebula with the 102ED this time, without the reducer for a bit more reach. Luckily, my ED didn't show any issues on the corners
3.2hrs of 5 mins subs + darks + flats using an ASI533mcp
Iris Nebula
sv503 80mm ed + asi071mc + baader uv IR cut , guide sv106+ asi120mm, HEQ5, ASIAIR
6h of material with 10min subs