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Svbony on Almberg Telescope Meeting

Svbony on Almberg Telescope Meeting

Svbony on Almberg Telescope Meeting

We are honored that MGF-Astro, as svbony’s partner in Germany, represents SVBONY at the Almberg Telescope Meeting in Almberg, which is 1,139 meters above sea level.For more information about this Telescope Meeting, you can view it through this link

At the Almberg Telescope Meeting you have the opportunity to experience the following products for yourself.

SVBONY SV550 Apochromatic Triplet 122mm F7 Telescope

SV550 APO Triplet Refractor 80mm F6 Telescope

SV503 Astronomical 102mm F7 ED Extra Low Dispersion Telescope

SV48P 90mm F5.5 Refractor Telescope

MK105 Telescope Maksutov-Cassegrain OTA

There are also many eyepieces, filters and cameras.We sincerely welcome everyone to experience svbony products at the Almberg Telescope Meeting.You will have the chance to see Saturn here, as well as many globular star clusters and nebulae.

Let’s take a look at the Meeting site.

There is still time for the meeting, do you want to come here? Come join us.

Welcome to contact us.

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