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Updating the Firmware of SV205 for Gain Adjustment

Updating the Firmware of SV205 for Gain Adjustment

Updating the Firmware of SV205 for Gain Adjustment

We have recently received feedback from customers regarding the SV205 camera's lack of gain adjustment options while using SharpCap. This issue arises due to an incomplete firmware update. To enhance your experience and enable the gain adjustment feature, we would like to guide you through the firmware update process.

Step-by-Step Guide to Update Your SV205 Firmware

  • 1. Connect your SV205 camera to your computer. Launch SharpCap and ensure that the connection is successful.

  • 2. Download the firmware upgrade package (attached to this blog). After downloading, extract the files to access the upgrade program.

  • 3. Click on the upgrade program to open it.

  • sv205-3.jpg
  • 4. In the upgrade window, click on the {Start} button to begin the firmware upgrade process.

  • sv205-13.jpg
  • 5. Once the upgrade is complete, you will see a {pass} message indicating that the firmware has been successfully updated.


  • 6. Close SharpCap and disconnect the data cable linking your camera to the computer. Wait for one or two minutes, then reconnect the camera and reopen SharpCap to verify that the upgrade was successful and that gain adjustment options are now available.

Important Note--

If your camera requires a similar firmware update, please contact us at to obtain the appropriate firmware installation package.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. We hope this guide helps you enjoy enhanced functionality with your SV205 astronomical camera!

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