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What can we do with telescopes on father's Day?

What can we do with telescopes on father's Day?

What can we do with telescopes on father's Day?

Celebrate father's day with a telescope:

  • First of all, it must be accompany. When you grow up, you will have less time with your father. You can look at the sky, the moon and the constellations with your father through the telescope;

2,Give your father a telescope suitable for him. When he is bored, you can study the starry sky in your own yard. I think it must be a kind of enjoyment;

3,You can also give yourself a telescope to take a group of amazing star maps with your superb technology, and then print them out and put them in a picture frame to give to your dear father (is there any other way to express your love for your father? The rest is for you.)

Happy Father's Day

Equipment matching and images:

(Images shared by customers)

1.SV503 70ED + Reducer

Moon shot with SV503 70ED Telescope

2.SV503 80ED + Reducer

Image shot by SV503 80ED Telescope

3.SV503 102ED + Reducer

Image shot by SV503 102ED Telescope

What are your svbony astronomical photographic equipment and works?

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