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What is Eyepiece Projection And How to Do It?

What is Eyepiece Projection And How to Do It?

What is Eyepiece Projection And How to Do It?

I believe that some astronomers, especially beginners, do not know about visual photography. Now let me introduce what visual photography is and how to do it.

I refer to the relevant information mentioned in Astronomy Source and Sky at Night Magazine, and show you the operation process in combination with SV550 and SV503.

So, what is eyepiece photography?Eyepiece projection is a method of capturing images through the telescope eyepiece. It uses a camera with the lens removed. It is usually used in places requiring high magnification, such as when imaging the features of the planet or moon.

Eyepiece projection can better capture the details of the moon and planets. The objects captured in these images are much larger than those captured in fixed focus, and display more details. The fixed focus technology replaces the camera lens with the telescope OTA (no diagonal, no eyepiece), but the eyepiece projection adds an eyepiece in the optical path, which significantly increases the focal length and magnification.Changing the eyepiece will change the magnification, and increasing or decreasing the distance from the eyepiece to the CCD will also change the magnification.And the calculation tools here may help you.

But larger magnification and longer focal length will also bring some disadvantages. Higher focal length (at the same aperture) results in higher focal ratio values (1/f). The higher the number of focal ratios, the darker the image. This requires longer exposure time or higher ISO sensitivity to obtain appropriate image brightness.

Well, I think you already know what main accessories will be needed.Yes, it needs an OTA, an Eyepiece Projection Kit, an eyepiece, and a camera.

I recommend the first matching method to you.And here are their matching video.

Product List:

SV503 Telescope ED 80mm F7 Doublet Refractor

SV112 1.25" Eyepiece Projection Kit

SV195 M42*0.75 Photography Camera Adapter for Canon

Canon Camera

Then I will provide you with the second matching method.And here are their matching video.

Product List:

SV550 Telescope 80mm Triplet APO OTA Refractor

2’’to 1.25’’ eyepiece adapter

SV112 1.25" Eyepiece Projection Kit

SV195 M42*0.75 Photography Camera Adapter for Canon

Canon Camera

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