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Test SV305 Camera with M42 M43 Nebula

Test SV305 Camera with M42 M43 Nebula

Test SV305 Camera with M42 M43 Nebula

Have you tried your SV305 camera with the bright deep sky object? 

I know the SV305 camera is a planets camera, it is designed with Sony IMX 290 sensor, so it is good enough to capture some bright DSO(Deep Space Object). here is the Test view of M42 / M43 with SV305 camera. By astroimager -- Dr. Steve Wainwright. He has been an astronomer since 1967. and founded the international astronomical imaging group QCUIAG in 1998. He and his friend Nicola did great help to support the AstroDMx caoture for Linux working with SV305 camera. let's enjoy his works. 

An SVBONY SV305 camera, fitted with an SVBONY UV/IR cut filter was placed at the Newtonian focus of a Skywatcher Explorer 130 PDS 130mm, f/5 Newtonian, mounted on a Celestron AVX GOTO EQ mount.

AstroDMx Capture for Linux, running on a Ubuntu computer was used to capture 16 bit Tiff images of M42/M43: 40 x 2s; 60 x 8s and 20 x 16s, all with matching dark-frames.

Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture, capturing 2s exposures


Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture, capturing 8s exposures


Screenshot of AstroDMx Capture, capturing 6s exposures


The images were stacked for each exposure in Autostakkert!3

The 3 images obtained were post processed in the Gimp 2.10 and combined in the Gimp to produce the final image.



Nicola has implemented some additional functionality of the SV305 in AstroDMx Capture for Linux, not found in Windows capture software. 

This will be incorporated into the next release of AstroDMx Capture for Linux and will be discussed in a future post.

After seeing Dr. Steve's work, would you like to have a try with your SV305 camera?

Welcome to share your works to our facebook group--svbony telescope club. all your astronomy works will be welcomed. 

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