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Care About Your SV105 Camera

Care About Your SV105 Camera

Care About Your SV105 Camera

Hello everyone, I hope you are having a nice day! 

Many people have bought our hot selling product SVBONY SV105 camera. So there is one question: How do you usually care about your SV105 camera? Or I should say: how do you clean the dust on your SV105? Today I will write something about the details. Hope this will help you and extend your SV105 camera life. 

How to clean the dust

After use the camera some times, there may some dust on the protective glass of the camera. Because of dust everywhere in the air. You need clean the SV105 camera as what you always do to care about your astronomy telescope. All the equipment need to be cared. We did what could to clean the dust in the factory before sending it to the warehouse and sending to the customers. Even no dust on the chip sensor and the protective glass. However, the camera chip sensor maybe not the 100% clean because the air pollution everywhere. We try our best to decrease the product cost and do the best to make sure the product quality. 

So people also need to know how to clean the sv105 camera so that the using life could be extened.

If dust on the protective glass

People could use Cleaning Cloth to clean the outside. Or you could use a clearning set to do it. A air blow could be helpful.  If the dust inside there, people need remove the glass then clean it. Firstly, turn screw to loosen 1.25" barrel. Secondly, turn screw to loosen glass cover, it seems very hard but there are two small slots (red marked in 1st, 2nd photo) so you can turn it easily. I even no need to use tools. I just used my finger nail.



If the dust on the chip

Firstly, I am so sorry about this happened to you. Don’t be sadly. There is a big chance for you to know more details about the SV105 camera, and clean it. You will be proud of yourself after you make it cleaning it clear enough. And you also could show your skills to others. They will proud of you too. I am sure.

You could do as the upside way to remove the protective glass. Then clean the sensor. Be careful because sensor is very sensitive. I recommend you a cleaning jelly (not snack. search "camera sensor cleaning")  or a cotton swab with alcohol. May the cleaning cloth that was in SV105 package could not clean all dust. So a cotton maybe much better to do the cleaning.


Also, you could disassemble the SV105 camera. Be warmly to it, and make sure you could put them together again. Or you just have “ the chip” and “the cover”. It means that you loss you camera. It is not a best way, but I know some people will try it because of they trust themselves enough.  I also trust you people to do it, because I have successfully disassemble the SV105 camera and recovery it again.  


Attention please, be careful of cleaning the chip sensor.

Finished! Turn screw to tighten the cover and the barrel. Put the camera into your telescope and make sure you are successful now.


Comment user

Rômulo Gama

Boa noite, Meu nome é Rômulo , sou do Brasil, recife, Pernambuco. Estou querendo começar a estudar astronomia e quero comprar meu primeiro telescópio. Não tenho referência nenhuma e pesquisando na internet, encontrei a marca SVBONY, mais precisamente o modelo SV501. Não tenho informações a respeito do modelo e gostaria de informações de vocês . Se vai servir para um iniciante. fico no aguardo e obrigado.

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