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How to Apply SV165 Mini Guider Scope and SV905C Guiding Camera to PHD2?

How to Apply SV165 Mini Guider Scope and SV905C Guiding Camera to PHD2?

How to Apply SV165 Mini Guider Scope and SV905C Guiding Camera to PHD2?

Let's go directly to the operation process.

1. SV165 is inserted into SV905C guiding camera, and the camera is connected to the computer.

2. Adjust the focal length of the SV905C guiding camera. When focusing, you can first use the Sharpcap to aim at distant buildings or other things in the daytime to try to live shoot, and focus, Confirm the insertion distance and position of the camera (a: If the camera is too white, it is too explosive. Adjust the gain and exposure. b: If the black background still has white stripes, it is likely that the SV905C guiding camera is not in focus, and the insertion position is wrong. Then move a little further, such as SV165 and SV905C. Basically, all the spacer rings need to be installed, and only one point needs to be inserted before focusing, sv165+705c (PHD2 cannot identify at present, and SDK files need to be added/replaced) There is not so much insertion, and the focal length of each guide scope and guide camera are different according to the chip (this is very important, otherwise, follow-up is impossible).


3. Download PHD2 and open PHD2 (you'd better learn some tutorials first,there are many 10-20 minute tutorials on YOUTUBE). The first time you use them, you will be asked to fill in the parameters of the guide camera (SV305/905 camera of svbony can be recognized, if not, please fill in manually) and the parameters of the star guide mirror (the focal length must be filled in manually)

4. Select MOUNT. There are two methods,

  •     If ST4 wire is used to connect the guide star camera and equatorial instrument, choose ''on-camera''
  •     If ST4 wire is not used, eqmode wire shall be connected to PC, and PC shall control equatorial instrument. (This requires ASCOMPLATFORM software and ASCOM MOUNT software. The selection varies according to the equatorial instrument. If you don't understand, please search "How to control the equatorial instrument by PC" on Youtube.)

5. We don't have eqmode wire, so we use ST4 to equator instrument. MOUNT is ON-CAMERA mode.

6. Don't choose other options, just go to the next step, until all the devices (camera and mount) are connected, and then you need to shoot the dark field. (cover the guide scope to avoid light transmission, and shoot the dark field.)

7. Then you can start to select, shoot continuously, watch the real-time picture, and select star point to start to guide stars continuously.

8. Supplement: Before the guide star, the polar axis should also be carefully aligned. There are two steps to do for polar axis: coarse alignment and fine alignment (otherwise, the equatorial instrument will not find the target, which is different from the guide star. The guide star is just for deep space photography, shooting a specific position more accurately, and calibrating the fixed position of the equatorial instrument in time, because of the backlash of mechanical things. The polar axis is to let the equatorial instrument find the right position of the target.)

  •  A-Coarse polar axis: 
  • The horizontal bubble of the equatorial instrument is in the middle, the latitude is adjusted to the local latitude according to the real-time latitude of the astronomical communication, and the N direction of the equatorial instrument is adjusted to the north of the horizontal compass
  • The polar mirror of the equatorial instrument is aimed at Polaris. If you can't see it, please adjust it according to the astronomical APP auxiliary electronic polar mirror. If it is really not feasible, we will directly conduct precise polar alignment.
  • B-Precise polar alignment:
  • PHD2 PDA Polar Drive ALIGN, if you can see the Polaris, please select it first, which is faster (you can Drift Align again after this match, and follow the steps. If you don't know how to operate, please find the relevant video on Youtube)

    PHD2 Drift Align. If you can't see Polaris, use PHD2 Drift Align. This is slow (follow the steps. If you don't know how to operate, please find the relevant video on YouTube)

    Finally, astronomical photography is a very complex process that requires a lot of hardware and software technical knowledge and practice accumulation. If you encounter new product debugging and software debugging, please spend some patience and time to learn and practice.

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