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SV205 Camera Work with Android

SV205 Camera Work with Android

SV205 Camera Work with Android

Before you buy yourself a gift, will you ask the seller about how to use it? Of course I will. I think many people will. For example, customers send me email to ask if the SV205 camerawork with the Android system, before make the order. Ok, I have tested it this morning, and here is my results. I hope this blog will give you some help.


Testing the SV205 Camera with Android Vivo x9 Smartphone

As we all known, the svbony sv105 camera could work with Android. This is written by Doc. Steve Wainwright. I also put Doc. Steve’s blog onto our site:

I also tested the SV105 with Xiaomi 5 Android smartphone,

sv205 is also a standard UVC (USB Video Camera) device. Android system support the UVC product. Today, I tested the SV205 with Vivo X9, Android 7.4 version, and OTG extension cable.


Step 1: download and install the USB Camera App in your Android Play (APP Store)

Step 2: connect the SV205 camera to the Vivo X9 smartphone, by using the SV205 original cable and the OTG extension cable.

Step 3: Enter the USB Camera App, you would see some light, if without connecting the SV205 to your telescope.

I focusing the telescope out to the office window, I can see the viaduct and street lights, cars coming and going, and signs on both sides of the road. Through the SV25 telescope and the SV205 camera, I saw the street lights on the screen. Here is the image.


Note: some phone has turn on the OTG function defaultly, some not, you need turn on the OTG function automatically. Find it in the Settings, and turn on it. You will see the light on the screen.

Turn on the OTG function, then the SV205 could work with your phone.


Turn on the OTG function


Also our customer Vishal Sharma recommend the CameraFi APP, he said it would be better than the USB Camera. I think someone may need it.


Q: Does the SV205 work better on the phone than SV105?

A: Maybe not. Svbony didn’t produce the Camera APP, so the free APP may not that competible with the SV105 and SV205, so they are same.


Q: Will SVBONY produce the APP for SV205 camera?

A: We didn’t have this plan in 2020. Maybe next year. Thanks.


Q: Will the SV205 work with lover Android version?

A: The old version Android products didn't have the OTG funtion, then it won't work with the SV205. 


Q: I can not get a clear image on the phone, what should I do ?

A: When you connect the SV205 to your phone, if you could not get a clear image by adjusting the camera settings, then please try same equipment with the windows computer first, when you find a clear image on your computer screen, then the camera setting will be save, then reconnect it to the phone, you will find the clear image much earsier.


Any other questions, please send email to Thanks very much for your reading.



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