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The Price of SV405CC Camera

The Price of SV405CC Camera

The Price of SV405CC Camera

How Much Do You Want to Pay for SV405C Cooled Camera?


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Bonaire Cloudy Nights

Hope arrived soon, all my products are from your brand. Actually will be good to check it with the Ed 102 Svbony. Also wondering about the price.

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Make it reliable and tag it at $799-$899. The IMX294 is a 5 year old sensor, but similar cooled cameras are in that price range. The last thing you want when out in the field taking photos is a camera acting up.

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399.99 Roll out price ! This is an old sensor. The code mechanics are already done and supplied with the toolkit for the module. The rest is manufacturing the shell and very easily implemented Peltier cooling module and fan. The cost needs to reflect your company dedication to economically achievable products. Do not try to be ZWO or the others... Do your thing and serve the community you are already building with economical solutions. This could be a game changer for you or one that may not leave you with fond memories. You'd be selling a lot more of the SV305Pro Mono if it was cheaper. Know your market !!

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Thank you very much for your proposal, we will feedback to the company。

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For comparison, ZWO gives 20MP resolution at 2.4micron for ~ $799. Its cooled too. See the Price to resolution ratio and price to Pixel size ratio.

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Thanks for the information.

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$299 - $399 could almost be impulse buys for a lot of users. Somehow once it gets to $500 requires planning, deep research to justify. I have the 305 Pro, love it.

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Looking for a deep sky camera, have a sv305 pro will it do that ite would the new 405c be better?

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Agree 100% price others out....

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Thank you very much for your message

Comment author


Yeah, we will give a friendly price considering the raw material cost.

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May I know what the price will be for the camera? If within 200-300 dollars, then this camera will become truly "popular" in deep space photography, and it will be bought without hesitation

Comment author


That depends on the sensor price, or it makes no sense to talk about the price, the camera uses IMX294 sensor. You can refer to other cameras' prices.

Comment user


Can this be pre-ordered?

Comment author


Can't now because the first batch of goods storage will be few.

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Less that $500 would be an attractive option. Anything over this price and I think I would buy ZWO.

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Any news about the release of this camera? My wife asked me what I want for Christmas and I want to get it as a gift

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The new SV405C is during test and SDK test. But I 'm not sure the precise time as the developer don't tell us.

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In the range of 200-300 dollars - and it would become a "People's" deep-secret astrocamera throughout Russia and the countries of the former Commonwealth of Independent States. But if you develop an analogue of the ZWO ASI AIR, it will be an even bigger plus in your favor

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