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SV605CC Tests NINA & Sharpcap Sensor Analysis

SV605CC Tests NINA & Sharpcap Sensor Analysis

SV605CC Tests NINA & Sharpcap Sensor Analysis

Since I only see clouds and more clouds after receiving the SV605CC I kept myself busy doing some camera tests.

So far so good, I was able to connect it to NINA using the latest drivers (both native and ASCOM) and use the cooling, which performed quite nicely. I set it to 0º from 28º which raised the power up to 85%. Once it achieved 0º the power lowered to 70%, and the temperature was very stable for my 30min test.

I have also done a sensor analysis with Sharpcap and I got some nice results:

Full well capacity = ~73000, this is interesting as ZWO variant report only up to 50k and QHY up to 58k. I've read Player One raised it to 73k also for their Saturn-C model based on the same chip. This is an awesome improvement compared to other brands. Did Svbony do something to raise the theoretical limit?

Unity Gain = 130, seems much higher than ZWO variant which reaches unity gain at 100 and QHY at 68. Again Player One variant is close with unity gain at 125. I wonder why unity gain is so different from one brand to another, is that because of the AD converter which I guess is unique for each brand?

Has anyone else test their unit yet? I'm looking forward to see if you have obtained similar results.

Good day all!

SV605CC Tests NINA & Sharpcap Sensor Analysis

SV605CC Tests NINA & Sharpcap Sensor Analysis-2

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