If you’re anything like me, you want a quality spotting scope but just can’t bring yourself to fork out $800-$3000 on a spotting scope. This is where it gets interesting‼️ My dad sent me a YouTube video a while back and it was a video on an SVBONY spotting scope. This video compared it to another spotting scope and I was blown away by how similar the optics were.
Price and quality
The crazy thing is that the SVBONY spotting scope was priced just over $300 and the other was priced at over $1000!! I decided it was worth a shot and ordered myself an SVBONY scope. They have a few different scopes but I ordered the SV46P which is a 20-60x80. When I got back home with the scope, my dad, brother, and I got to compare. We had the SVBONY SV46P 20-60x80 scope ($339) vs a Vortex Razor 20-60x85 scope (Over $1000) and a Swarovski 20x60x80 scope (Over $2000). After placing all of the scopes on the same object, we were blown away by how minimal the differences were. We then had many different people that were unbiased come and rank the scopes 1-3. Obviously, people's eyes are different so there will be different results but almost every person ranked the SVBONY over the Vortex in the majority of the settings. The Swarovski and the SVBONY were competing for the top spot for most people! The SVBONY were competing for the top spot for most people! One of the reasons why the Swarovski took the top spot some of the times is because it was a little easier on the eye to look through which might come in handy on those long days of glassing. But to say the least, I was astonished by the results and how they compared to each other.

One other thing that we noticed is the different tints of the field of view from each scope. The SVBONY had more of a warmer/yellow tint than compared to the others which were more of a blue tint but still, there wasn’t a huge difference. A few days later we took the SVBONY scope to the field and used it while helping a friend on his deer hunt. The days were foggy, windy, and snowy as you can see in the videos in the post but these videos were taken all from 200 yards-1000+ yards and I was super impressed. In a wrap, if you’re looking for a quality scope that is a fraction of the price compared to others, go look at SVBONY!
Thanks for your watching!
Milo Nieto
Dear svbony.com owner, You always provide great insights.