Note: This filter set is not suitable for telescopes with a focal ratio below F/5.
Top Christmas Gift Ideas: Perfect Presents for Everyone!
Top Christmas Gift Ideas: Perfect Presents for Everyone!
Top Christmas Gift Ideas: Perfect Presents for Everyone!
Note: The front focal point of the SV215 is located inside the eyepiece body. It requires a main mirror with sufficient focusing range to ensure smooth and focused imaging. Iis not suitable for 1.25-inch interface birding scopes.
Top Christmas Gift Ideas: Perfect Presents for Everyone!
Top Christmas Gift Ideas: Perfect Presents for Everyone!
Svbony 34mm super-wide 2inch telescope eyepiece for astronomic telescope, suitable for watching the scenery, bright celestial observations, nebula, and so on.
Visual Kit includes:
68 Degree Eyepieces 6/9/15/20 mm, SKU: F9152A-F9152B-F9152C-F9152D
1.25 inch Laser Collimator, SKU: F9123A
1.25 inch Moon UHC CLS UV/IR Cut Filters Combination, SKU: F9114L-F9131A-F9155A-F9127A
SV137 2x Barlow 1.25Inch FMC Internal Brass Ring with Perfect Matting Treatment, SKU: W9106A
The perfect LRGB Filters set for the Svbony 1.25/2inch Eyepieces. Green, red, blue, and UV/IR CUT filters made with quality glass, and mounted in a standard 1.25”/2'' cell. We provide you with 1.25'' and 2'' size to choose from. Suitable for deepsky and planetary CCD imaging, work well with debayered monochrome CCD cameras. RGB-imaging allows equal weighting factors for each channel, very important for automated imaging.
Note: These screws aren't included