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SV405CC Cooled Color OSC Camera for Deep Space Astrophotography IMX294

SKU: F9198F-
US$ 799.99
  • SV405CC cooled color astronomy camera for deep sky astrophotography. The deep space shooting targets are mainly nebula, galaxies, star clusters, multiple stars, etc;
  • IMX294 color CMOS sensor; The IMX294 sensor adopts the 4/3 format and provides the necessary number of pixels for true 4k output at 120 frames per second;
  • USB 3.0 high-speed interface; The bandwidth of up to 5GB allows the camera to run at 19 frames per second in raw8 mode and 16 frames per second in raw16 mode at full resolution of 11.7 million pixels;
  • Cooling System; Thanks to the two-stage tec cooling, the camera can lower the CMOS sensor temperature to 86°F below ambient temperature, which can greatly reduce dark current generation and sensor noise even during longer exposure times;
  • Support system; Compatible with Windows, Linux, Mac OS, Chrome OS and Raspberry Pi systems by running AstroDMx Capture. For Windows system. Also support Sharpcap, N.I.N.A., TheSkyX and other softwares run through ASCOM platform by using ASCOM driver;
  • The Bayer pattern of the SV405CC is GRBG

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 SV405CC OSC Astronomy Camera IMX294 for Deep Sky Astrophotography

2- Stage TEC Cooling

Cooling System: The two-stage TEC cooling, the SV405CC cooled color astronomy camera can lower the CMOS sensor temperature to 30°C Celsius below ambient temperature, which can greatly reduce dark current generation and sensor noise even during longer exposure times.

AR Coating

The coating of the protective glass increases the transmittance of the infrared band.

Type-B USB 3.0

ROI Function - Any Resolution Supported

DDR3 256M Buffer

The Image Captured With SV405CC


SKU F9198E F9198F F9198K F9387A
Model SV605MC SV405CC SV605CC SC432M
Sensor IMX533 IMX294 IMX533 IMX432
Classification Monochrome Color Color Monochrome
Shutter Type Rolling Shutter Rolling Shutter Rolling Shutter Global Shutter
Pixel Size 3.76μm X 3.76μm 4.63µm 3.76μm X 3.76μm
Resolution 9MP 11.7MP 9MP
Diagonal Length 15.968mm 23.2mm 15.968mm 17.5mm
USB Type USB3.0 USB3.0 USB3.0
14 reviews

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Value for money

This camera is real good and has nothing to envy compare to cameras from premium brands. Would totally recommend it especially for any amateur astrophotographer that wants to take it to the next step.Real value for money.


Compré esta cámara hace 2 meses y la he estado probando. Es mi primera experiencia con una cámara astrográfica dedicada. Desafortunadamente el clima empeoró y solo pude capturar alguna imágenes con ella. Usé un telescopio newton 8" f3.9 y la sv405cc y el filtro SvBony UHC de 2" para capturar la nebulosa del Aguila, la nebulosa de la laguna, la nebulosa trífida y la nebulosa omega y la galaxia de Andrómeda. Un tiempo aproximado de 50 minutos por cada imagen. Usé la montura motorizada exos2goto sin autoguiado. La cámara la controlé usando SharpCap. Los resultados me sorprendieron bastante porque nunca había podido lograr tantos detalles con mi DSLR. Pueden ver ejemplos de las imágenes logradas aqui youtu.be/qPTmcdIXNTM Definitivamente esta cámara es muy buena y puede ser usada por cualquier persona incluso si no tiene experiencia con cámaras para espacio profundo. El único inconveniente que he tenido es que llega a desconectarse de SharpCap pero si se desconecta el cable USB y conecta nuevamente se soluciona el problema.

Excellent !

J'ai débuté en astrophotographie en début d'année avec sa petite soeur SV305, que j'utilise désormais en planétaire et autoguidage avec mon nouveau setup. J'ai commandé la nouvelle SV405CC en mai, reçue début juin. Un peu inquiet avant la livraison, quand le service client m'envoie un mail signalant des problèmes chez quelques utilisateurs (drivers?), rapportés également sur quelques forums. Mais au moins le service client a pris les devant en me contactant en avance. Les premiers essais sont rassurant: la caméra avec le driver natif Svbony 1.6.5 est bien reconnue sous Sharpcap (Pro) v4 x64, puis sous N.I.N.A. v2, sur 2 ordinateurs Windows 10 x64 et Windows 11 x64. La première prise de vues est plus que satisfaisante, surtout à mon petit niveau et venant de la petite soeur planétaire : champ plus grand, résolution plus élevée et beaucoup, beaucoup moins de bruit. Je recommande fortement SV405CC pour la photographie longue pose en ciel profond. Et le rapport qualité/prix Svbony toujours imbattable. Un client très satisfait, de sa nouvelle caméra SV405CC, et des autres produits Svbony en général. Merci Svbony


guten Tag würde diese Kamera in Verbindung mit der Asiair Pro auch funktionieren????? Ich habe ja bereits einige Ihrer Produkte und bin super zufrieden, besonders der Apo 102/714 macht mir richtig Freude besten Dank für Ihre Information lg Herbert

Model SV405CC
Sensor IMX294
CMOS Image Resolution 4144*2822
Total Pixels 11.7 megapixel
Pixel Size 4.63µm
Target Size 19.2mm*13mm
Diagonal 23.2mm
Maximum Frame Rate 19FPS
Shutter Type Rolling Shutter
USB Type Type-B USB 3.0
DDRIII Buffer DDR3 256M
Exposure 0.05ms-2000s
Readout Noise 1.2e
QE Peak 0.75
Full Well 63ke
ADC 14bit


  1. 1. Back-illuminated sensor – improving sensitivity and reducing noise. Excellent micro-4/3 CMOS sensor with 4144x2822 (11.7 megapixel) resolution to capture fine details in astronomical objects.
  2. 2. With ADC 10-bit output mode, the SV405CC can run up to 19fps at 4k format when used with USB 3.0
  3. 3. HCG mode--When set the gain at 120 or higher, the HCG mode is automatically enabled, and reduce the read noise to even lover levels without loss the dynamic range.
  4. 4. Exceptuinal low-illumination performance of SNR1s:0.14 lx is realized by use of a large-size optical system and by expanding the area per pixel to 4.63um.
  5. 5. With AR coating, SV405CC can be obtained by shooting visible light with an IR CUT filter; infrared shooting with different filters, such as IR685, IR850.

The Real Shot Image by SV405CC Astronomy Camera

The Bundle Set of Telescopes with SV405CC by Our Clients

The Unboxing of SV405CC Astronomy Camera by Our Clients

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